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always, ,never, a lot, very little - why your perception might not be 100% true

The concept of always, a lot, little and never are not nessecairly truth’s but perception and lenses you choose to see and experience life through. It’s like setting an intention and then opening up to the possibilities in your life.

You see what you seek.

Your energy flows where the attention goes.

What you think of, materilizes itself in some ways.

You’ll always find proofs for what you believe.

So what glasses are you choosing to wear today?

What filters would you love to remove?

What other directions could you have a look instead?

What are some other possible scenarios?

What if you’re not right?

What if that person that you deny so much is right too?

What if their perception of life is as much a reality as yours is for you?

What if in the duality of Planet Earth there is no such things as always or never?

What if “a lot” and “a little” are just judgements based on your life’s experience?

Where was that opinion created?

From what fear does that belief protect you?

How does this construct give you safety and bring hope?

And…what if the earth is constantly shaking and you can choose to believe in the good things still happening?

What if you leave the survivial state? That pedestal you put yourself?

Who are you then?

What’s real then?

Who are you when your reality falls away?

What are the strings you hold on desperately?

Once you start deconstructing, you can also start creating again.

From a space within yourself that is not right or wrong.

From a space within yourself that is not feeling entitled or disempowered.

From a space of understanding that this is a human experience and that you can either choose to be right and constantly feel like in a war zone or you can choose to tune into your heart and create what you’d wish to experience, see, touch, feel and be around more.

Assumptions create separation - how can you listen today and move from a space of understanding?

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