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teacher training

SEPTEMBER 16-30TH 2023

160+ hours of Ceremonial Yin Yoga Teacher Training in beautiful zurich city


Meeting your heart

A bittersweet medicine as we’ll encounter the ugly and the beauty.


Letting go a nessecity to move forward. Opening the heart to the known and unknown will require courage.


To meet oneselves - terror and joy as it’s stated in the Radiance Sutras.


This extensive, detail-oriented and intensive Ceremonial Yin Yoga Teacher Training is an invitation to transform and step into our own potentional as we connect to our hearts so that we can be of service to humanity.


Sounds all very dramatic but if you take a moment of reflecting upon the way you make choices when feeling relaxed and trusting vs. fearful and stressed, you’ll see that something as simple as yin yoga can change your life. You might wonder why ceremonial? I’m curious about how we can bring more rituals to our lives. How we can do less but a clearer intention and with that it feeling more meaningful to ourselves and others.

Next to daily lectures, classes, workshops, delicious meals and yin yoga journeys, you’ll also experience cacao ceremonies, bonfire gatherings and a guided hike excursion where we’ll practice the art of yin and living yoga as we walk, breath, and talk.


this is for you if

-You’re a new yoga teacher, space holder, coach, energy worker (and more) and want to expand on your own teaching and space-holding skills

-You haven't done a 200 hrs yoga teacher training yet or are planning one within a year of this training

-You’d love to broaden and deepen your knowledge and learn additional tools, techniques, and ways to work with yourself and humans in 1:1 or group sessions

-You crave a safely and sacredly held space for yourself to dive deeper into your own inner and outer journey

-You want to explore yin yoga on a deeper level not just intellectually but on an embodied level - physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically

-Are curious to integrate more rituals and ceremonies in your personal life and your business

-You can self-regulate. It is important to have the emotional maturity and the capacity to hold space for yourself aka the ability to switch from emotional states to focus and groundedness —> self-regulation. This is a training where we will go deep inwards and things will come up, at the same time, we’re here to educate ourselves about yin yoga, which happens also on an intellectual level.

-Commitment, dedication & curiosity to do your homework, practice, and participate actively in the training as well as take self-responsibility, remember to come back to your own center and take inspired action and care of yourself.

How this training is built & how you'll get certified to teach yin yoga

  • Part 1

    • 135 hrs in-person yin yoga teacher training​ in Zurich City

    • September 16-30th

  • Part 2

    • 2​5 hrs practice teaching by yourself & observing 1 yin yoga class/ceremony by Aleks Nikolic

    • 3 Q&A group calls where we can exchange and you can ask questios as you practice teaching

    • October 2023 - January 2024

    • Graduation Celebration Dinner January/February

    • You’ll receive a certification if you participate in the full course by Aleksandra Nikolic Art of Yin (if you get ill, you’ll have to bring an attestation and re-do any modules you miss in a Private 1:1 at extra cost), do all homework, successfully create and teach your final project. If you're not planning on teaching, you don't have to participate in the 2nd part of the teacher training where you practice teaching.

    • It isn’t guaranteed to receive the certificate by all means as teaching yin yoga requires some level of self-responsibility, capacity to hold space, and groundedness.

    • 160 + hours Yin Yoga Teacher & Space Holding Training Immersion if you’ve done all the reading and have held space / taught 25 hours of yin yoga. You also have to finish all the required assignments/reading and send in a recorded (live-streamed) sample yoga class and submit a teaching reflection on each of the 25 hours of teaching and observing 1 yin yoga class with Aleks Nikolic. You will have time to submit everything until January 31st, 2023. We'll have an optional graduation dinner in Zurich City in Janauary / February (we'll doodle a date together). 

    •  You can also simply join for your personal journey minus the certification and the teaching hours/graduation yin yoga class. You can still join for your personal experience but won't be needing to do the required assignments and teachings. I believe one of the most essential parts is to practice holding space for ourselves so that we can expand our capacity to hold space for others.

what you'll study

All that we're studying/practicing/experimenting with happens with the intention to create embodied knowledge and not just rational. So that you can teach from your personal experience.


Next to the lecture practices and sitting in the ceremony, you’ll experience experimental workshops, where you’ll learn and unlearn what you know about (yin) yoga.

•   Yin Yoga Journeys & Cacao Ceremonies

•    Yin Yoga Asanas in Experimental Workshops

•    History of Yin Yoga & Yin Yoga Principles

•    Art of Teaching Yin Yoga & Yin Language

•    The Art of Creating, Opening, Holding, and Closing Spaces

•    Yin Yoga Sequencing based on the Prana Vayus (Yogic Tradition) and Myofascial Meridian Lines (Basics of the Fascia System (Anatomy Trains) / there is no TCM in this training)

•    Meditation & Pranayama Techniques from the Hatha Yoga Philosophy

•    Mantra, Rituals, Journaling

•    Art of Adjustments  & Hands-on

•    Business Basics & Creating Yin Yoga-related offerings

•    Meeting amazing humans, co-create, holding space for each other, sharing circles and lunch breaks in solitude or together

•    Expanding our capacity to hold space for ourselves and from there for others

•    Taking a leap into the unknown and staying open to new experiences in life

•    Training our courage muscles in the out-of-comfort zone space

•    Exploring your WHY and how to create authentic offers and sacred spaces 

•    There is a big emphasis in this training to practice these tools and not just learn about the intellectualy. You'll be creating sequences and go on different practicing teaching journeys and exersises. While having the support of an experiences teacher. 

•    How to use different props and variations for different bodys and needs. 


what this training includes

  • 160 hs + of extensive yin yoga training

  • 15 days in-person studying from September 16-30th

  • Small Group Support as you put the theory into practice and start teaching yin yoga for over 6 months

  • Feedback on your yin yoga sequences as you start teaching and safe space to ask all the questions that can come up as you embark on teaching yoga

  • Unlimited tea and healthy snacks

  • extensive digital yin yoga manual

  • 20% off selected online and offline events by Aleks Nikolic from the paid deposit until
    March 31st 2024


  • ceremonial goodie bag

  • high quality yoga mats & props in our urban yoga studio

  • Not inlcuded: airfare, taxi transfer to and from the airport, 1:1 private sessions with Aleks, travel/health insurance, extra consumption at over lunch, recommended/required additional books, , any travel costs as visas, vaccinations, passports, etc.


the Pricing & Application

  • Super Early-Booking Pricing until April 30th 2023:

    • PIF: CHF 2500.-​

    • PP: CHF 365.- / x 7 months

  • Early-Booking Pricing until May 30th 2023:

    • PIF: CHF 2600.-​

    • PP: CHF 535.- / x 5 months

  • Regular Pricing from June 2nd:

    • PIF: CHF 2700.-​

    • PP: CHF  555.- / x 5 months

  • Non-refundable deposit (incl. in the pricing above): CHF 750.- 

  • PIF = pay in full

  • PP = partial payments

  • If you have questions or would like to request an individual payment plan, email

  • The deposit/ 1st partial payment has to be paid as you apply for the spot. To benefit from the special pricing, the rest of the payment has to arrive on the last day of the special.

about the training
and aleks nikolic

The focus of this training lies not only in learning the theory but also in experiencing the tools and their effects on your own body, mind, emotions, and energy. Realizing it’s all interconnected - from the way you walk through life to the way you greet someone to the quality of your breath and thoughts. I want you to practice teaching and have a safe space to share, grow, transform, find your voice, and experiement with how it feels the most authentically for you to share yin yoga with others. 

It’s important for me to not only give you great tools to become great teachers and be of service to your community but also help you clarify your intentions and visions that you’d love to plant and harvest. A big part of it that often lacks in yoga training, is the business aspect. How can we do business in alignment with our intention and the yogic teachings instead of slipping into the old, manipulative, and sneaky ways of doing business?


From ethical business choices to pricing, website building, offering creation, and more you’ll be able to not only brainstorm and have support from your buddy, Aleks Nikolic, her assistants, and the whole group but also be able to receive practical tips from Aleks after teaching for over 6 years and building her yoga business and being confronted with many questions. I believe that you don’t have to figure everything out by yourself but that we can share our experiences and create a more ethical and aligned yoga industry.

Booking conditions (agb)

As you book your spot, you’ll be asked to pay your non-refundable deposit of CHF 750.-. Please pay the deposit as you book via e-banking or twint (if you pay by credit card, there is 5% extra cost). To be admitted for the early-bird pricing, the money has to arrive on the due date and before the early bird price expires. 


The payment is due before the training starts unless you've chosen a payment plan that continues as we start. 


In genuine personal hardship, please contact for an individual solution that may be possible to be arranged but an't be promissed..


 You can make your payments via Swiss E-banking for national transfers or via (we’ll send you the link) for international transfers. Any extra fees have to be paid directly by the participants. 


Any other cancellations are applicable as per these regulations:


The participant is responsible to pay cancellation fees as


● Cancel 60 days prior to arrival - 100 percent of the full booking fee is due

to the organizer

● Cancel 80 days prior to arrival - 80 percent of the full booking fee is due to

the organizer

● Cancel 100 days prior to arrival - 60 percent of the full booking fee is due to

the organizer


The cancellation policy applies to all reasons for cancellation. The organizer is not responsible for any forces of nature that may cause the participant to cancel. Also, holiday and health insurance are recommended.


Please note that there are no refunds if you choose to leave the training at any point from to 60 days prior or in between. 

You are responsible to have international health and travel insurance. 


It’s your responsibility to have all the valid travel documents.


In case the training needs to be canceled by the organizer due to a lack of participants, you’ll be offered an alternative option or receive a full refund.



1 Registration / deposit / final payment


Upon receipt of the registration, the participant will receive a confirmation of registration together with the bank details for paying for the retreat. The place at the retreat is only definitely reserved with a deposit (the exact amount is specified on the relevant website or agreed separately with the provider). This amount can no longer be reimbursed in the event of a cancellation by the participant. The remaining payment must be paid no later than 60 or 30 days before the start of the retreat unless otherwise agreed in writing.


With the deposit, the registration is binding and obligates you to pay the entire amount. Failure to pay does not count as a cancellation. If the number of participants is limited, registrations will be considered in the order in which the deposit was received. The receipt of the transfer counts.


The aforementioned payment deadlines are expiration days. If payment is not made on time, the participant will be in default without a reminder. In this case, the provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract without setting a deadline, to refuse the (retreat) services and to cancel the booking by charging the full cancellation costs. In this case, we expressly reserve the right to make further claims for damages.


2 Prices


The prices for the offers can be seen on the website of the provider. We reserve the right to make individual arrangements, including processing fees and any additional costs outside of the offer (e.g. visa fees, tourism taxes).


3 Vouchers


Vouchers can be purchased for participation in a riding & yoga retreat or for the use of other services of the provider (riding & yoga vouchers). The vouchers are valid for 5 years from the date of purchase. Cash payment is excluded.


The vouchers are not personal and can be transferred to other people.


4 Services


The scope of services is determined according to the information communicated in writing by the provider (e.g. by email or written confirmation) and according to the information on the website of the provider. In the event of contradictions, the information communicated individually in writing takes precedence. Special requests by the participant as well as subsequent deviating agreements must be confirmed in writing by the provider.


5 Price changes


The provider reserves the right to change the advertised prices for important reasons and to adjust the costs actually incurred afterwards. This applies in particular to subsequent price increases due to the increase due to transport costs (e.g. fuel surcharges), subsequently introduced levies such as tourism taxes or other taxes, as well as changes in exchange rates or invoice or publication errors.


Price increases can be asserted no later than 21 days before the planned start of the retreat. If the price increase is more than 10% of the offer price, the participant is entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case, the participant is free to take a substitute trip if possible. Further claims such as claims for damages are excluded.


6 Cancellation by the participant and substitute before departure


The booked offer must be canceled in writing (the date on which the provider receives the written cancellation is decisive).


In the event of a retreat cancellation of a retreat abroad up to 60 days before the start of the trip, the total amount minus the deposit will be repaid. If a retreat in Switzerland is canceled up to 30 days before the start of the journey, the total amount minus the deposit will be repaid. In the event of cancellation at a later point in time, the total costs will not be reimbursed (this also applies in the event of illness, accident, pregnancy, etc.).


In the event of a cancellation, a processing fee of CHF 50 will also be due.


The provider recommends taking out cancellation insurance, which may cover the cancellation costs (see also section 2.9).


The vacated space can be assigned to a replacement person. In this case, a processing fee of CHF 50 will be charged and any rebooking or additional costs will be borne by the participant. The substitute must meet all travel requirements. The participant and the substitute person are jointly liable for payment of the total amount as well as for any additional costs.


7 Program changes


Program changes and changes to individual services (program, accommodation, travel companion, yoga instructor, means of transport, etc.) due to unforeseeable circumstances or security reasons are expressly reserved. In this case, any additional costs are borne by the participants. Reduction and reimbursement claims as well as claims for damages are excluded in this case. No liability is assumed for program changes due to travel delays.


8 Premature termination of the trip by the participant


If the participant breaks off the trip prematurely for any reason, there is no right to a refund of the offer price. Any additional costs are borne by the participant.


9 Travel cancellation by the provider/failure to reach the number of participants


A short-term retreat cancellation due to compelling reasons such as force major, official measures, strikes, etc. is reserved. If the retreat has to be canceled for compelling reasons, the provider will endeavor to offer an equivalent alternative program. If no replacement program can be offered, the provider will reimburse the participant for the payments made for services that have not been used, whereby expenses already made will be deducted. Further claims, in particular claims for damages, are excluded.


A retreat can also be canceled up to 30 days before the start of the journey if the minimum number of participants is not reached. In this case, the amount paid will be fully refunded. Further claims, in particular compensation for damages, cannot be asserted.


10 Arrival & entry formalities abroad


The outward and return journey to the destination is the responsibility of the participants and the costs are not included in the offer. It is up to the participant to arrive on time. No liability is assumed for travel delays and reimbursements for unused services are excluded in this case.


11 Insurance


Insurance is the responsibility of the participant in every respect.


When participating in a riding & yoga retreat, the provider recommends clarifying whether riding accidents or accidents with horses are included. Helmets are compulsory for horse riding & yoga retreats.


We strongly recommend that you take out travel/cancellation insurance. The participant should also check and ensure that he / she is adequately protected by his / her health insurance company in the event of illness and accident insurance (also abroad).


The provider cannot be made liable for theft or loss of objects.


12 Personal and health requirements


For (riding &) yoga holidays/retreats, good health and a stable mental state are required. The participant participates independently and undertakes to inform the provider about any physical and/or psychological impairments. Before participating, you may need to seek the advice of a doctor or psychotherapist.


If a participant does not meet the physical or psychological requirements, the provider can exclude the participant from the (on) trip. All associated costs, including early travel home, are borne by the participant. In this case, unused services will not be reimbursed and additional costs must be borne by the participant.


13 Liability


The liability of the provider is limited in any case to double the offer price and only covers the direct damage. The provider only reimburses the failure of agreed services if it was not possible to provide an equivalent replacement service on-site.


The provider is not liable if the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the agreed services can be traced back to the following causes: a) failure of the participant before or during the trip b) unforeseeable or unavoidable omissions by third parties that affect the provision of the agreed service are not involved c) force majeure or an event which the provider or service provider could not foresee or avert despite due care. Claims for damages are excluded in this case.


14 Complaints


If problems or complaints arise during a retreat, the participant must immediately contact the tour guide on site. If the issue cannot then be resolved to the satisfaction of the participant, the participant is obliged to contact the provider immediately (by phone or email). In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, later claims are excluded.


If defects cannot then be remedied on-site, the participant must report them to the provider in writing no later than 30 days after the end of the retreat. If the defects are not asserted within this period, all claims are forfeited.


15 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction


Only Swiss law is applicable. Subject to mandatory statutory provisions, the place of jurisdiction is at the registered office of the provider.

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